
Sponsor workshop

Design Thinking workshop for SOGEI | March 2017

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How might we make sense of and respond to a customer’s list of 100+ requirements?


2-day workshop that strengthened our client partnership, and informed a long-term roadmap


Design Lead • planning, facilitation, and roadmap prioritization


Everybody gets a feature!

For years IBM had reacted to feature requests from customers as the measure of which product improvements are needed. Instead, with IBM Design Thinking we focused on understanding what they wanted to accomplish and the pain points they experienced on their daily tasks.

[legacy] Only some of the feature requests we got from our customer.


Empathic planning

As we worked with SOGEI, some prominent use cases (and pain points) surfaced and we used them to narrow the workshop’s focus. During the course of 2 days, we navigated through SOGEI’s daily monitoring scenarios to uncover opportunities where we could make the biggest improvement.

[problem] SOGEI’s areas of concern where: security, migration, event management and SLA monitoring. We ran this workshop to deeply understand their pain points, team structure and help prioritize the solutions IBM would provide in a tactical (short-term) and strategic (long-term) way. These are a few snippets of what went on during the sessions.

customer workshop artifacts

[process] Many workshop participants start with some apprehension on whether Design Thinking has any value to their team and business. Throughout the workshop we diminished those fears and ended up with a happy bunch of people who truly appreciated what focusing on outcomes can do for their company. It didn’t hurt that everybody from the SOGEI side was truly friendly and welcoming.

customer workshop team

[collaborators] Randa Salem, Ben Stern, Robert Alexander along with the SOGEI team.

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